The archipelago is mainly known for having been the home to the marooned sailor Alexander Selkirk for 4 years, which may have inspired the novel Robinson Crusoe.
The Juan Fernandez Archipelago are home to a high percentage of rare and endemic plants and animals, and are recognized as a distinct ecoregion. The volcanic origin and remote location of the islands meant that the islands' flora and fauna had to reach the archipelago from far across the sea.
There are over 200 native species of plants, which 126 species (62 percent) are endemic. Many plants are characteristic of the Antarctic flora, and are related to plants found in southern South America, New Zealand and Australia.
20 land-and-seabird species breed on the islands, including 3 endemics (Juan Fernandez Firecrown, Masafuera Rayadito and Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant), 3 endemic subspecies (Juan Fernandez Hawk, among them) and 3 breeding endemics (including Pink-footed Shearwater). Robinson Crusoe Island is home to an endemic and endangered hummingbird, the Juan Fernandez Firecrown (this relative large hummingbird, about 13 cm long, is thought to number only about 1.000 individuals) and 4 Pterodroma Gadfly-Petrels, including Stejneger´s, Kermadec, Juan Fernandez & Defilippi´s Petrels.
4 Days / 3 Nights
Throughout the year.
Meet and depart
Robinson Crusoe or Santiago.
From Mon Dec 09,2024 To Thu Dec 12,2024
Flight to Robinson Crusoe Island, boat trip to San Juan Bautista. Night in Isla Pacifico Eco-Lodge.
Birding the Fernandezian Forest in Juan Fernandez National Park (UNESCO Biosphere Reserve), including Juan Fernandez Firecrown and Juan Fernandez Tit-Tyrant. Night in Isla Pacifico Eco-Lodge.
Pelagic Trip: Black-browed Albatross, Kermadec Petrel, Juan Fernandez Petrel, Masatierra Petrel, Stejneger´s Petrel, Pink-footed Shearwater and White-bellied (Juan Fernandez) Storm-Petrel. Chance for the endemic Juan Fernandez Fur Seal. Night in Isla Pacifico Eco-Lodge.
Early birding in the Fernandezian Forest, looking for Juan Fernandez (American) Kestrel, Green-backed Firecrown and birds not yet located. Flight to Santiago or Night in Isla Pacifico Eco-Lodge.
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